BSA: Race and Architecture

Letter from the Presidents
Over the past few months, conversations about racial equity have stimulated new ways of thinking about diversity, equity, inclusion, and social justice. As architects, we have substantial work to do within our own profession to include, mentor, sponsor, and provide leadership opportunities for BIPOC architects. Only three percent of U.S. architects are Latinx, and less than two percent of U.S. architects are Black. Our contributions to our clients, our communities, and our world suffer because of the narrow breadth of viewpoints and life experiences within our profession.
We understand that most firms recognize that lack of diversity is a problem and many don’t know where to begin to effect change. These problems are not new, and they will not be solved overnight. But creating a more diverse profession requires actionable and measurable work to make our workplaces inclusive and equitable. When leaders make issues of equity, diversity, and inclusion a priority, change happens.
The BSA’s Race and Architecture series encourages and provides necessary dialogue around race in our profession. In bringing Black and Brown voices to the foreground, we hope to make this work a priority and empower all architects with the tools to drive meaningful change. Throughout the remainder of the year, Race and Architecture sessions on the fourth Tuesday of each month will feature a variety of speakers who offer opportunities to listen and learn from the lived experiences of minority architects. Programs in 2021 will continue to highlight diverse voices and will offer more opportunities to engage and act.
Natasha Espada AIA
2020 BSA/AIA President
Greg Minott AIA
2020 BSA/AIA Vice President/President Elect